well, hi. my name is peter. currently, i am a college freshman doing a film/biology double major, theatre minor, and pre-medicine. it's quite a bit of work, but actually kind of rewarding. in a sick way.
i'm not really sure how it came to be like that. i love biology and i've known for quite a while that medicine is the direction i will take. and yet, i'm so drawn to other things such as film, photography, modern art, entrepreneurship, clothing design, aviation, programming, and freelance writing. i really hope to a renaissance man of sorts, someone who knows a lot of everything, and yet, this all may not be possible with my pursuit of medicine.
i'd like to think of myself as an artist but this may just be a self-conceited statement to substantiate myself, i truly believe that many students my age have given no thought outside of their field direction. that is, they focus on one thing and detail rather than the whole picture. If you become a fantastic engineer, you become labeled as an engineer. i'd rather have people have a hard time labeling me, or not label me at all. i don't want to be seen as an occupation--i want to be seen as a compilation of my character and integrity.
well, we'll see how life turns for me.
25 things about me copied off of my facebook
1. my biggest fear is that ill accidently run over some little child and then will be sent to jail.
2. one of the reasons of that fear is because if i go to jail, i won't be able to go to medical school. and that is a definite no no.
3. going along with the medical thing, i want to become a physician. i don't really know what kind. but cardiothoratic surgery definitely interests me.
4. i have lots of interests outside of medicine too, you know. if i had 2 lives, i would become a director in the other. i like to film. and when i film, i like to have everything planned out. which brings me to...
5. i like to have my day completely planned out. what time to what time im doing this or that. but instead of being normal and writing these things down, i try to memorize them, which, inevitably, leads to me forgetting appointments and engagements. i need a secretary. genuinely.
6. i enjoy chocolate. and i enjoy strawberries.
7. i am a hypochondriac. and i know it. it sucks.
8. for the life of me, it is near impossible to gain weight. and don't try to give me any solutions. i've probably tried. but, within 5 years, i should be packing it in.
9. i'm a simple man. a fun afternoon would be flying a kite and sitting on grassy slopes talking with friends. with some tea and crackers of course.
10. i'm a shoes person. i appreciate comfortable shoes. i am also a scarf person. and a sunglasses person.
11. i've had a lot of questions asking what it means to be avant. well. it's hard to explain. but it involves crochet needles and quartz.
12. i enjoy the company of intelligent people. people that are genuine. people that don't hide behind some flimsy facade. i don't enjoy arrogance.
13. you have no idea how many times i have had to argue the validity of golf as a sport.
14. i have this scar on my hand from when i stuck my hand into a dough kneader. my mom had told me not to do it. i did it anyways.
15. my room is pretty messy. if asked, i play my 'im a pseudo-artist' card and hope that that makes it good.
16. i've reached that part in life where i can comment on childhood and the mistakes i made. aka, i'm old.
17. when i was younger, the only thing holding me back from pursuing the presidency was the fear of getting assassinated.
18. at heart, i think i'm a very introverted, deep person. i say, i think, because i have no clue.
19. i was picked on a lot at my home church. i don't really know why. on the flipside, at school, i was much more accepted. i got a taste of what it's like to be hated and now try to be friendly to everyone.
20. i believe in machiavelli.
21. i love building forts and things. i love nooks, crannies, and niches. they just feel so safe and cozy. i built gnarly forts.
22. going along with my planning thing, i know my future life. it goes like this: finish medical school-age 24. finish residency age 30. wife- pediatrician who also dabbles in art. 3 kids- charlotte, taylor, peter. charlotte- entrepreneur/lawyer, taylor- artist/director, peter-neurosurgeon.
23. i play violin and guitar, dabble in bass and piano, and hope to learn harmonica and drums.
24. i hate labels and stereotypes. i want people to have a hard time labeling me. i want to be seen as a compilation of my character, integrity, and abilities...not my occupation or my ethnicity.
25. i believe in the power of faith and prayer. i believe in religion. I believe in community. I believe in the right to religious freedom.
2. one of the reasons of that fear is because if i go to jail, i won't be able to go to medical school. and that is a definite no no.
3. going along with the medical thing, i want to become a physician. i don't really know what kind. but cardiothoratic surgery definitely interests me.
4. i have lots of interests outside of medicine too, you know. if i had 2 lives, i would become a director in the other. i like to film. and when i film, i like to have everything planned out. which brings me to...
5. i like to have my day completely planned out. what time to what time im doing this or that. but instead of being normal and writing these things down, i try to memorize them, which, inevitably, leads to me forgetting appointments and engagements. i need a secretary. genuinely.
6. i enjoy chocolate. and i enjoy strawberries.
7. i am a hypochondriac. and i know it. it sucks.
8. for the life of me, it is near impossible to gain weight. and don't try to give me any solutions. i've probably tried. but, within 5 years, i should be packing it in.
9. i'm a simple man. a fun afternoon would be flying a kite and sitting on grassy slopes talking with friends. with some tea and crackers of course.
10. i'm a shoes person. i appreciate comfortable shoes. i am also a scarf person. and a sunglasses person.
11. i've had a lot of questions asking what it means to be avant. well. it's hard to explain. but it involves crochet needles and quartz.
12. i enjoy the company of intelligent people. people that are genuine. people that don't hide behind some flimsy facade. i don't enjoy arrogance.
13. you have no idea how many times i have had to argue the validity of golf as a sport.
14. i have this scar on my hand from when i stuck my hand into a dough kneader. my mom had told me not to do it. i did it anyways.
15. my room is pretty messy. if asked, i play my 'im a pseudo-artist' card and hope that that makes it good.
16. i've reached that part in life where i can comment on childhood and the mistakes i made. aka, i'm old.
17. when i was younger, the only thing holding me back from pursuing the presidency was the fear of getting assassinated.
18. at heart, i think i'm a very introverted, deep person. i say, i think, because i have no clue.
19. i was picked on a lot at my home church. i don't really know why. on the flipside, at school, i was much more accepted. i got a taste of what it's like to be hated and now try to be friendly to everyone.
20. i believe in machiavelli.
21. i love building forts and things. i love nooks, crannies, and niches. they just feel so safe and cozy. i built gnarly forts.
22. going along with my planning thing, i know my future life. it goes like this: finish medical school-age 24. finish residency age 30. wife- pediatrician who also dabbles in art. 3 kids- charlotte, taylor, peter. charlotte- entrepreneur/lawyer, taylor- artist/director, peter-neurosurgeon.
23. i play violin and guitar, dabble in bass and piano, and hope to learn harmonica and drums.
24. i hate labels and stereotypes. i want people to have a hard time labeling me. i want to be seen as a compilation of my character, integrity, and abilities...not my occupation or my ethnicity.
25. i believe in the power of faith and prayer. i believe in religion. I believe in community. I believe in the right to religious freedom.